Annual Retreat of the Vice Province of Majella at Pilar in Goa


(Goa, India) The Vice-Province of Majella met for its annual retreat from the 12th to the 17th November at Pilar Animation Center in Goa, India. The Retreat was preached by Fr. Andrejz Wodka, C.Ss.R. former President of the Alphonsian Academy and now chairperson of AVEPRO from Rome. He led the confreres into a profound awareness of the Love of God which is the energy for our Mission as Religious in solidarity with a wounded world.

The Retreat was special as it brought together confreres from all the 3 units in India, Majella, Bangalore and Liguori. Altogether 50 Confreres attended the retreat 41 from the V. Province of Majella, 2 from the Province of Liguori and 7 from the Province of Bangalore. The retreat was followed by 2 days of meeting for the Vice-Province of Majella, which focused on the Apostolic Plan of the V. Province and its Missionary Priority of Migrant People. The Vice-Province accepted the Apostolic Plan prepared by the Secretariat of the Apostolate and it will now be sent to the EVPC for the approval. Matters pertaining to the Congregation, Conference of Asia Oceania and the life of the Vice-Province were presented, discussed and reflected upon. A half-day was spent with meetings for the Various Secretariats of the V. Province (Apostolate, Formation & Finance) and the RYVM Commission.

The V. Province is very grateful to Fr. Wodka for animating the V. Province for Mission.

Ivel Mendanha, C.Ss.R.

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