International day for the elimination of violence against women


Declaration on the occasion of
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

In December 1999, the UN General Assembly officially declared November 25 the International Day of non-violence against women, inviting governments, international organizations, NGOs and civil society to promote messages and activities that inform, make visible and help raise awareness of this issue.

Once again, this year, the Serra-Schönthal Foundation and the congregation of the Oblate Sisters of the Most Holy Redeemer continue to watch over and fight for women who suffer gender-based violence.

We recognize this problem as a social scourge present in both the public and private spheres and whose appearance can appear in different forms, whether physical, sexual, psychological, structural or economic, transversal in the world regardless of culture, religion or country.

We undoubtedly combine the various movements against this type of violence that have occurred in recent years. And, of course, the contribution to the 2030 Agenda, in which 193 countries have committed themselves to achieving 17 goals that pursue equality between people, protection of the planet and guarantee of prosperity. Within which it is one of the most important goals that should be mentioned on this day, SDG 5: Gender equality, whose goal is to end all forms of discrimination against women and girls.

No discrimination against women in any of its forms must be a fundamental human right. Therefore, we believe that it is still necessary, in addition to a moral obligation, to claim and raise awareness on the situation of women who suffer violence day after day simply because they are women. It is with the aim of creating a more just and better world, and free from violence against them.

We give voice to those who suffer daily, to migrant women, to women of different ethnicities, to rural women, to mothers, to daughters, to girls, to transsexuals, to those who are sexually exploited. In short, to our sisters, whom we must empower by raising our voice and joining our hands with them.