A Christmas Gift from Paraguay

P. Leo Valdez CSsR, Christmas greetings

Father Leo Valdez, a Redemptorist missionary from Paraguay, offers us today a new video clip of his song: “Jesus, Source of Life”.

The song is part of his 5th album called “Inspiration”. In this music Father Leo offers us a reflection on the encounter with Jesus present in his Word and in the Eucharist, sources of life. It is a real Christmas gift, to be listened to and shared with family and friends.


Father Leo Valdez (Father Leonardo Valdez Ibarra) is a priest of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer.

He was born in the city of Pedro Juan Caballero (Paraguay), on September 5, 1980. He was ordained a priest on July 19, 2008.

He felt the call to the priestly life at the age of 16 when he was part of a group of young people.

His missionary vocation was always closely linked to his inclination towards music. This is what motivated him to compose several songs with messages full of hope and trust in God. He has recorded four albums.

Currently, in the midst of his varied missionary activities, he dedicates himself to evangelizing through music, holding talks, meetings, retreats, and concerts in which music, dance, and joy abound and where he launches the message of Christ the Redeemer through his songs.

(source: Fr. Leo Valdez’s FB page)