Meeting of General Commission for Social Ministry


(Rome) The members of the General Commission for Social Ministry – Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation, made up of a representative of each of the Conferences, met for the second time in Rome (December 6-8) to follow up the initiatives in this field developed by Redemptorists around the world and to plan actions that encourage and promote the values of justice, peace and the care of creation.

The General Chapter invited us to live solidarity as an expression of our Redemptorist spirituality in a wounded world. We have seen that many confreres are embodying this solidarity in their commitment to the poor today and they do it in many and varied ways. But we have also noted that these experiences are not widely known. As a result of this, we have less possibility to learn from one another. The SM-JPIC Commission, having gathered the suggestions of the General Government, believes it is necessary to propose the vision of a common Redemptorist project in this field. We want to can help to strengthen the works that are already being carried out but also to strengthen the animation of the SM-JPIC.

The desire is that we can live the universality of the values of the SM-JPIC in all the works of the Congregation. For this purpose, a calendar has been designed which will be put on our website and which will indicate some of the most important events within the social ministry for the year 2020. Some resources will also be provided on our website in order to inspire and support the work of social ministry in our communities.

The Commission for Social Ministry – Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (SM-JPIC) is part of the General Secretariat for Evangelization. It is one of the structures that were created to assist the General Government in the animation of this important area of our apostolate.

Fr. Cristian Bueno C.Ss.R.