Blessed Peter Donders – the Witness of Redemption


He emphasized the goodness of God, addressed him as a “good God”, who will provide what is needed. He inspires us to receive and pass on everything we have as a gift, gratuitously.

He saw what others were in need of, what served them for redemption – and he provided it, as far as it was in his power – practically, creatively, unconventionally, non-academically. He acknowledged his fellow human beings as human beings, told them that they had a right to be, that they can accept themselves, that God called them to live. He was there for the poorest, the most abandoned, the marginalized, the expelled. He never asked for privileges life, but really shared the life of the poor. He did not mind to dirty his hands.

Claudia Peters – Vice Postulator of the Cause for the Canonization of Blessed Peter Donders – presents our Blessed Confrere as the real witness of God’ redemption and a challenging example to us today.

See more in the latest episode of the series “For World” – You are welcomed!