General Government Holds Canonical Visit with the Vice Province of Ex-Patriam


(Houston, USA) The General Government held a Canonical Visitation of the Extra-Patriam Vice-Province, February 18-20, 2020, at the Mother of Perpetual Help Retreat House in Houston, Texas.

Alberto Eseverri, C.Ss.R., the Vicar General; Jeffrey Rolle, C.Ss.R., General Consultor, and Jack Kingsbury, C.Ss.R.,  North American Conference Coordinator, made the Visit. The key topic was to discuss issues concerning Restructuring and how it could effect Extra-Patriam Unit. Discussions had a special emphasis on the development of Ex-Patriam’s Apostolic and Restructuring Plan.

The Extra-Patriam Unit has about 50 confreres and most of them are younger. They are involved in a variety of ministries, such as Parish, Retreat House, Shrine and Communications outreach. They work primarily in the Texas and California areas, but they also are involved in ministry in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Their annual Novena of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, which takes place in Houston, is always filled with a host of activities and it attracts hundreds of people each year.

The general gathering held with Ex-Patriam is a new format for a Canonical Visit. Based on the reaction of the confreres, it is working out well. The visit ended with a meeting with the Extraordinary Provincial Council and of course a Gaudeamus!