New website of Funderética


(Madrid, Spain) The Redemptorists of the Province of Madrid launched a new webpage named Funderetica on Tuesday, February 4.

The European Foundation for the Study and Ethical Reflection aims to be a driving force for ethical reflection in our society and become a centre for training, reflection and research in Moral Philosophy, from the criteria that provide the dignity of the person and of the values ​​that are inherent to it.

Christian humanism is one of the fundamental pillars of the building of this Foundation. This is an important matter of concern in the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (CSsR).

The new website:

📲 It is designed so that it can be viewed perfectly in the mobile handset.

📨 He wants to be another communication tool with everyone. You can easily view the content, or find ways of contact or to send us comments, suggestions etc.

📚 And, of course, the material has been organized so that they can be easily found: Books, notebooks, videos, interviews … all in a click!

💻 Welcome to the new website of Funderética!