“Pulpit Stories Vol. I-III” by Fr. Paul Pazhangattu, C.Ss.R.


Fr. Paul, a confrere of the Province of Bangalore, presently the Mission Superior of Kenya Mission, presents to us the “Pulpit Stories”.

Jesus communicated parables to the secular people around him and he used stories that were very relevant to their lives, and he was taking heaven’s truth and packaging it in an earthly context. Fr. Paul always found that stories enrich talks and sermons. So, for a long time, he had been collecting stories and recreating them in his own style.

Every week Fr. Paul writes a story for a Catholic magazine in Kerala, “Jeevanaadam”. Almost four hundred stories have been published so far. These stories are now brought out in book form. Already nine volumes of these stories are published in Malayalam, the vernacular of Kerala, under the title, “Paulachan Paranja Kathakal”. Some of these are also translated to English and Kannada and gone through a number of editions. In English, it is published under the title “Pulpit Stories”. Three volumes of “Pulpit Stories” are published so far.

A renowned columnist, Ms Dorothy Victor writes: Fr. Paul has taken some common themes, charming storylines and oft-read subjects and weaved them into an appealing collection of short stories. The simplicity of the text, the profoundness of the message and depth of the topics covered have all been deliberately chosen and mindfully put together for a wide range of readers. Whether school-going or a youngster on the threshold of adulthood or whether a middle-aged person facing a mid-life crisis or a senior citizen in the sun-set years, this volume will give a quick respite from life’s many cares and sound answers to life’s pertinent questions and enduring doubts.

Fr. Paul has for the last two decades brought out short stories on endearing themes as honesty, friendship, courage, peace, holiness, innocence, empathy, kindness and more.

According to Fr. Paul though some of these stories are known at a different occasion what he has done is to bring out the Christian and humane values in them for the use of preachers and teachers. Fr. Paul continues to write because of the appreciation and encouragement of so many friends and well-wishers. Fr. Paul further says, “The greatest satisfaction for any writer is derived when the book becomes useful for the purpose for which it is written. I am content with the fact that these stories are used by a number of people.”

Rev. Dr. Bernard Moras, the former Archbishop of Bengaluru has written in his Forward to Vol II: The author of this book, Fr. Paul Pazhangattu, C.Ss.R., with his erudite experience and pastoral zeal has beautifully woven together a garland of anecdotes and personal reflections that are contextual and provide for sufficient material for homilies…

When homilies become contextual reflecting on the humdrum of daily life concentrate on new and changing realities and when we respond to the sufferings people go through, inner changes take place in the listener making Christian life more wholesome. The Word of God is always alive and can be applied and understood in context. The author convincingly makes us believe in translating this awesome power of the Word of God into concrete action. 

We wish Fr. Paul God’s abundant blessing and success in all his works as he continues to educate and inspire people through these stories.