Covid-19: Haiti, what is to come may be catastrophic


(Port au Prince, Haiti) – Scala News has received a letter from the Regional Superior of the Redemptorists residing in Haiti with some important information.

“The evil that we all did not want has arrived in the country (Covid-19). The state has already confirmed eight positive people. Since 19 March, the president has decreed a state of health emergency throughout the country. At the same time, some decisions were taken to stop the spread of the virus, one of which is to close the churches until a new order is in place. Priests worship without an audience and we broadcast it live on social networks,” writes Father Renold Antoine, describing the reality of the country in the face of the first cases of the coronavirus.

Unfortunately, this is only the beginning of something that, as we see in all European countries, is reaping many dead.

“Seeing what is happening in the streets, what is to come could be catastrophic, as people live their lives day by day, and lack the essentials to cope with this virus.

There is no drinking water in the pipes to wash their hands as required, no electricity in the homes, and no hospitals at all. Many people live on the streets so it is very difficult to stay in any one place. We as Redemptorists offer our help not only spiritually, but also materially by placing water tanks in some spaces so that people can wash their hands. We also share food for the poor,” Father Renold continues.

“May the Lord have mercy on the country and its people because we do not have the sanitary infrastructure to face such a crisis!

Fr. Renold Antoine, C.Ss.R., Regional Secretary