“Shared Mission”: a new language born from our Mission and the Charism today


Why are we talking about a shared mission?

This “Shared mission” is a new language, relatively recent, which is born from the understanding of our mission and our charism today, and also from our desire to update our charism.

Vita Consecrata states that many Institutes of religious life have come to the conviction that their charism can be shared with the laity. In the case of our Congregation, the laity is invited to participate in a more intense way in the charism and mission of the Congregation.

When we speak of shared mission, the adjective “shared” added to the word “mission” indicates to us that the Redemptorist charism does not belong exclusively to the Redemptorists alone, but that it can be shared, in the sense that it is the Holy Spirit who gives the charism and the mission to all, lay and consecrated alike. The Redemptorist charism and mission are not our property; they belong to God, and the Holy Spirit gives them to whomever He wills, when He wills and how He wills.

Secretariat for Evangelization

Video 2 (of Five) on Shared Mission