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Monthly Archives: April 2020

Practical response to the Pandemic Covid 19 by the Vice-Province of...

(Nigeria) The Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), grew from being a strange virus and strange news from strange lands to being the enemy living on our...

New horizons for Moral

(A plan to revive Moral Theology, by Marciano Vidal, in Vida Nueva 19/04/2020) I place myself in the field of Moral Theology, to the cultivation...

The V. Province of Majella’s continual Outreach to Migrant families

(Goa, India) With the lockdown in India continuing into the 4th week and extending till the 4th of May due to the coronavirus situation...

Francisco Antonio Ceballos Escobar, C.SS.R. appointed Bishop of Riohacha (Colombia)

The Pope has appointed as bishop of Riohacha, Colombia, Bishop Francisco Antonio Ceballos Escobar, C.SS.R., currently titular of Zarna and vicar apostolic of Puerto...

Vows in the Redemptorist Sisters community in times of pandemic

(Bielsko-Biała, Poland) A dark red habit, a self-written act of profession, a veil, a little book containing constitutions and statutes of the order, and...

When the economy becomes prophecy

(from the Alphonsian Academy Blog) In these difficult days of pandemic, economic crisis, radical changes in the way we live and work, alarming data on...

Campaign for the benefit of women in vulnerable situations

The Serra-Schönthal Foundation launches a campaign for the benefit of women in prostitution or victims of trafficking before the Covid-19 The organization aims to...

Hopes and Challenges of the Directory for Shared Mission

Where does this process of Shared Mission want us to take? What structures are helping the Congregation today to advance this process of Shared...

Diary of a priest: Limerick’s Fr Seamus Enright, Redemptorists, describes his...

(Limerick, Ireland) Donal O'Regan has presented in an Irish newspaper the Limerick Leader  Fr Seamus Enright CSsR and the community at Mount St Alphonsus...

“Blessed is She who Trusted” (Luke 1: 45)

In greeting Mary, Elizabeth recognized one of the key qualities of her cousin: Mary’s trust in God.  As we meditate on the drama of...