A Journey with Creation (Laudato Si Week 2020)


(India) Commemorating the 5th anniversary of Laudato Si (Pope Francis’ document on Care for Creation), the Church along with our Holy Father Pope Francis is celebrating Laudato Si week from 16th – 24th May 2020, a time of reflection and prayer to build a better tomorrow.

We, the Redemptorists of the Vice-Province of Majella, India invite you to journey with us as we reflect on Creation. Along with a daily reflection on a different aspect of Creation, we also provide you with tasks that you can practically complete every day, during this week (16th to 24th). Let us join together to protect our common home.

Fr. Ivel Mendanha, C.Ss.R. presents to us the series of videos reflecting on the Pope Francis’ document on Care for Creation.

Journey with Creation:
Day 1 – Reflection and Practical Suggestion

Reflection on Day 1 and practical application in quarantine time. Learn and pray with your family. Let’s create a better world

Journey with Creation:
Day 2 – The reflection and task

Journey with Creation:
Day 3 – The reflection and task

Journey with Creation:
Day 4 – The reflection and task

Journey with Creation:
Day 5 – The reflection and task

Journey with Creation:
Day 6 – The reflection and task

Journey with Creation:

Day 7 Reflection and practical suggestions as to be conscious in ones food consumption and the amount of food stored up. Also if there is any food wastage happening…

Journey with Creation:

Day 8 Reflection and practical suggestions regarding life, it’s is dignity in its smallest and weakest form. Protect life from the womb to the tomb. Pray for the innocent victims who have lost their lives due to injustice, war, disease, and poverty. Are we responsible in any way for the loss of life, due to our action or inaction(act of omission or commission).

Journey with Creation:
Day 9