Food for life Program during COVID-19 by Fatima Parish


Dear Brothers and sisters,
(India) We all are familiar with the ongoing pandemic – The Covid-19 and the devastation it has been causing all over the world. The pandemic is having catastrophic effects on the lives of millions of people around the world and our city of Kolkata is not an exception. While the nation is gripped by the coronavirus crisis and is observing a lockdown, millions have been stranded with no food and shelter. People are faced with penury and deprivation as economic activity grinds to a halt due to lockdown. This has left many people jobless and dispossessed, making them more vulnerable to the deadly virus Covid-19.

At a time like this, one which is filled with despondency the Fatima Parish Family felt the urge to reach out to its people by giving them some basic ration items. By the grace of God, we were able to lend a helping hand to the people in 2 phases of distribution in the month of April (5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th) and May (10th and 11th), 2020 by giving them some basic ration items like Rice, Dal, and Potatoes. Through this Food for life program, we were able to help 950 families – 500 families in the month of April and 450 families in the month of May 2020.

However, this wouldn’t have been possible without the help and generous support of the parishioners of Fatima Parish. Together with their enthusiastic support and willing assistance we could at least reduce some of the food insecurity during this lockdown. As Christians let us turn to God in times of fear and uncertainty as we do in times of joy and celebration. Please let us spiritually unite in the Lord as we pray for God’s love, mercy, and to show us how to face the challenges posed by the ongoing pandemic. Thank you and May God bless you all.

Fr. Amar Bagh,

(Parish Priest, Fatima Parish, Kolkata)