Redemptorist faithful to his vocation


This week’s episode of series “For World” presents blessed Methodius Dominic Trčka. Frs. Method Lukačik CSsR and Miroslav Bujdoš CSsR talk about their blessed confreres and, making links between his life and ours:

One of the most important challenges for a man, I believe, is to decide to be faithful to his values, regardless of the circumstances, in which he lives…  Success defined in this world is different from success defined in the Bible. One of the definitions of success according to the Bible is the question of being faithful to our vocation given by God.

Who is a martyr? A martyr is a radical witness of God’s love. A martyr preaches this love and testifies to it with the sacrifice of his life. I think that we, Redemptorists, should replicate this same spirit of sacrifice. We must be able to offer everything to God and for our brothers and our mission. We must be able to offer our talents, our heart, our forces, our health, and all our time to preach plentiful redemption.

The video is recorded in Italian and has English, Spanish and Polish subtitles.