23 Redemptorist students professed their first vows in Indonesia


(Indonesia) June 29, 2020, was a special day for the whole Church because we the Redemptorist family, celebrated the feast of Saints Peter and Paul.  For us Indonesian Redemptorists it was also a very special day.  Today 23 young men pledged their vows after undergoing one year of novitiate located in the Chapsi Novsiat Wanno Gaspar, West Sumba.  Among them, 21 students are candidates for faith and 2 are lay brothers.  They will continue their education at the Sanata Dharma University.

This year the Redemptorist Province of Indonesia opened a new novitiate year.  27 young people expressed their willingness to undergo the formation in the novitiate year for one year.  This celebration was attended by confreres and their parents.  The Provincial superior Fr Peter, in his sermon, reminded the newly professed that as they commit themselves to live the Redemptorist life, continue studying diligently to learn the spirit and life of St. Alphonsus with readiness and courage always to be guided by Jesus himself. They are to travel deep into the sea in the direction indicated by God himself.

The Provincial advised the new novices to explore the Redemptorist constitution and statutes and to persist in prayer.  In this time of discernment, they must learn to prepare themselves to be convinced about their commitment to Jesus, the Redeemer.  May the spirit of the Apostles Peter and Paul always ignite the enthusiasm of the Redemptorists who have just made their profession and the novices entering the year of this long retreat.

The whole celebration ends with a fellowship meal.  Then the brothers soon left for vacations with their families and to prepare themselves to go to the city of Yogyakarta.

Willy Ng Palla