We have experienced your solidarity in prayer. Thank you!


Two weeks ago we published information about the Covid-19 infection in several Redemptorist communities in the Warsaw Province. Today we received a letter from the Provincial of Warsaw, Fr. Janusz Sok C.Ss.R., in which he thanks the General Government and the confreres of many Redemptorist communities around the world for the signs of solidarity received from them and for all their prayers for the sick confreres.

The occasion to write this letter, primarily addressed to the members of Province of Warsaw, is the upcoming Feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. The Provincial entrusts Mary with the care of confreres who are struggling with illness and asks  Her to intercede for those who have died recently.

Below we publish the entire text of the letter:

Warsaw, June 23, 2020

L.dz. 200/06/20

Letter for the Solemnity of Our Mother of Perpetual Help

Dear Confreres,

We have preached a lot of homilies about Our Mother of Perpetual Help. They do not lack faith or enthusiasm, but above all a desire to ignite people with love and prayer for Her. Today, we stand before Her Holy Image as one of those asking, carrying our experience of suffering, uncertainty and dilemmas. So we cry out: “O Mother of Perpetual Help, I come with the greatest confidence today to Your Holy Image to beg for Your help”.

We stopped, locked in our homes, worried and scared when the heart of many of us eager to apostolate, and many probably ask themselves – how to live our apostolic charism in this situation? Our Mother tells us, what the most important is, pointing to Jesus. We called Her Hodigitria – which means Pointing the Way. She – as Mother – teaches us to choose proper ways. Staring at Her Image, we verify our lives, decisions and commitment. Let this forced postponement of our works help us assess whether we do not confuse God’s works with God Himself. Let Mary, Our Mother of Perpetual Help, teach us to always choose Christ, as the center of our life, and support us in our personal adherence to Him (cf. Const. 23).

In recent weeks we have experienced a lot of good and human kindness. Assurances of concern and prayer come from various directions. Father General wrote to us a comforting letter. Every day I receive information about the prayers of the General Council and Redemptorists from many parts of the world. We reciprocate it, calling together: “Thank You Mother of Perpetual Help!”

We deeply believe that the Image of Our Lady of Perpetual Help is a providential gift for the whole world, for our Congregation, but also for each of us personally, especially at the present time. As for centuries, so today She is for us, as Her sweet title proclaims, a Perpetual Help who will lead us along the paths of Her Son.

Let us ask Her for this together, let it be.

Mary, to our confreres struggling with illness, ask for health, strength and patience. Lead the dead to Your Son.

In Christ Redeemer

Fr. Janusz Sok C.Ss.R.
