Perpetual Help in Salta, a strong tradition of popular faith and devotion


(Salta, Argentina) – Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the procession of Perpetual Help was carried out differently this year: by car and with very few people participants in it. The feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help began on 5th July at 15.30. The image was transferred to the rear of a truck and followed by a small number of vehicles that greeted the Virgin with handkerchiefs.

On the outskirts of the church of San Alfonso, very few people gathered who also greeted the Virgin with handkerchiefs. Internet, radio and TV broadcasts live through their Facebook live accounts, where followers asked, practically, to express their devotion to the so-called Madonna Gaucha and demanded an end to the pandemic.

The testimony of the Redemptorists in Salta:

On Sunday the 5th, all of Salta set their sights on our Mother of Perpetual Help. She always calls us with her maternal love to joyfully celebrate the faithful love of our Father God.

Every day of the novena, from Cordoba, Fr Miguel Chabrando accompanied us, illuminating and giving his love for the Mother. Thanks Miguel!

Different and unique. So was this patronal feast. We already know why. The tension between what we should do and the desire to be very close to the Virgin has provoked a silent and generous dedication of thousands of devotees who, without being able to reach the Church, prayed every day from their homes with the same devotion as always. It is that for God nothing is impossible!

The archbishop of Salta celebrated the Eucharist at 11:30 am and was present at the procession, bringing his message of encouragement.

Mother came out of the Shrine while the familiar sound of the bells heralded our Mother of Perpetual Help in the middle of the city. He walked the streets of the city. She paved the way for us to follow her (this year, by car).

It was moving to see the faces of the people who passed by, offering the handkerchiefs with which they greeted her: very excited faces, tears in their eyes, hands pulling kisses with reverence … I know that our Mother has collected every tear, every gesture, and every glance towards you. You have undoubtedly collected many stories, thanks, offers, hopes, and amazement.

Blessed by the treasure of Perpetual Help that God has entrusted to us, let us pray together: “Be loved, be praised, invoked, and eternally blessed, oh, Virgin of Perpetual Help!, My hope, my love, my Mother, my refuge it’s my life. Amen.

Redemptorist Missionaries. Buenos Aires Province, Argentina