Celebrating the Season of Creation 2020 – Resources


The Season of Creation is an ecumenical event that takes place every year, from September 1 to October 4, celebrating the gift of Creation and promoting an integrated ecological awareness. Through the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Integral Development, Pope Francis has invited all Catholics to join in this celebration with prayer and concrete actions on behalf of our wounded world, our Common House.

Celebrating the Season of Creation is part of a larger project to mark the year of the fifth anniversary of Laudato Si’, which runs from May 24 of this year until May 24 of 2021. Throughout various initiatives, a clear emphasis on “ecological conversion in action” will be developed.

The Season of Creation represents for consecrated and lay, members of the Redemptorist family, the opportunity to read Laudato Si’ from our tradition, apostolic ministry, and our concrete circumstances. The challenges of our wounded world become even more pressing amid the current pandemic. So this encyclical constitutes “a moral and spiritual guide for the creation of a more supportive and sustainable world.”

The General Commission for Social Ministry, Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (SM-JPIC) has developed some resources to inspire our Redemptorist communities in their reflection and effort to incorporate the spirit of Laudato Si’ into the liturgy, social work, and apostolic outreach. In this way, we would like to assist them as they strive to proclaim the abundant redemption of Jesus Christ with creative fidelity in the concrete realities where they minister. On the website www.seasonofcreation.org, you can find a series of local initiatives and actions distributed throughout the world that will take place until October 4, and that can inspire similar activities at the local level.

Secretariat of Evangelization


Discovering the Ecological Dimension of Redemptorist Spirituality

Season of Creation 2020 – Jubilee Time for the Earth. A Catholic Liturgical Guide

Season of Creation 2020 – Celebration Guide

Serving a Wounded World – a joint document of World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue (PCID)

A Journey with Creation (Laudato Si’ Week 2020) – Fr. Ivel Mendanha, C.Ss.R. presents to us the series of videos reflecting on Pope Francis’ document on Care for Creation.