69 years of Radio Aparecida: celebrating with a special program


(San Paolo, Brazil) The Radio Aparecida (FM 104.3) celebrated its 69 years of evangelization on Tuesday 8 September. And to celebrate the anniversary with its listeners, a program with a lot of history, information, and prayer was prepared and presented.

The Holy Mass at Aparecida was presided over by Archbishop Dom Orlando Brandes, which was broadcasted directly from the National Shrine at 9 in the morning, with the intention of the anniversary of Radio Aparecida. The Radio also celebrates 15 years of TV Aparecida and 10 years of the A12 portal. The celebration will open the day of thanksgiving for the inspiration of the Redemptorist Missionaries to encourage evangelization, which has reached so many places in the country via airwaves.

The broadcaster’s director, Father José Inácio de Medeiros, C.Ss.R., comments on the legacy of Radio Aparecida for communication in Brazil, acquired over the years:

“A company that remains alive and active for a long time, alone, is already joining the legacy we pass on to posterity when it comes to communication in Brazil. Another notable inheritance is fidelity to our evangelizing, educational and cultural mission, valuing all that has the ‘face’ of Brazil, that is, our culture and all aspects of the life of our people. Therefore, particular gratitude for the fidelity of so many years and the certainty that we will continue together because in the project we have idealized and want to celebrate the 70th anniversary of our station, where the listener will have a prominent place.’’
