Journeying towards care for our Common Home

Photo by Adeolu Eletu on

On June 18, the document “Journeying towards care for our Common Home,” prepared by the Interdicasterial Table of the Holy See on Integral Ecology, was presented in the Vatican.

This document constitutes “a catechesis of conversion to an integral ecology,” according to the Secretary of the Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development, Bishop Bruno Marie Duffé. It also offers a guide for reading and discovering the richness of the contents of Laudato Si.

The Season of Creation that we are celebrating allows us Redemptorists to enter into a dialogue between the values that are proper to our spirituality and the values that are emerging in society, such as those of ecological awareness, which take on special relevance in the midst of the crisis of the pandemic. “Journeying towards care for our Common Home” is another valuable tool in this desire to build a truly integral ecology in our communities, in harmony with the Universal Church and with so many people who, through concrete actions in the fields of education, culture, politics, science or economics, are already building it.

This document was available only in Italian, but now it is also available in Spanish, English, and French.

Fr. Cristian Bueno C.Ss.R.