The Central Preparatory Commission met online


(Rome) From September 29 to October 2, the Central Preparatory Commission of the next General Chapter held a meeting with the General Council and the Coordinators of five Redemptorist Conferences. Due to the pandemic limitations, the meeting was conducted in mixed mode – Fr. General with his consultors hosted the online meeting from Rome; the others confreres were joining from their local communities in different parts of the world.

The first presentation was made by fr. Amado Picardal, C.Ss.R., co-secretary of the Commission for Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) of the Union of Superiors General (USG-UISG), who did a broad introduction to the four-day discussion, pointing out vital tendencies and processes that affect the contemporary and future situation of the world and the Church.

Meeting participants discussed the survey results that had been circulated among all the provinces, vice provinces, regions, and missions. The Coordinators also presented their synthesis regarding the present state of the Redemptorist communities spread on five continents. This first step was to help to discern the current complex situation with the problems, challenges, and opportunities. Since the General Chapter is to program the next six years, all these discussed issues received a respective longer perspective.

An important part of the discussion was evaluating the ongoing process of restructuring and reconfiguration of our Congregation that is going to reshape the structures of the Units and give new stimulus for the apostolic life of and the Redemptorists’ mission to the wounded world.

On the last day, the discussion was focused on the pre-chapter process, with the objectives to involve a possibly broad number of confreres to participate in the preparatory process to the XXVI General Chapter.

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