Vienna: City pilgrimage on October 27 under the sign of the “Corona Pandemic”

Church's photo: Wikimedia Commons

Vienna: On Tuesday, October 27, at 18:30 begins the 42nd city pilgrimage to the “Mother of Perpetual Help” in the Marienkirche in Hernals. Its theme is: “For all sick and affected people of the Corona pandemic.”

The solemn church service with music (organ and trumpet), candle celebration, and blessing by the icon of grace will be dedicated especially to the sick and all those affected in the current “Corona pandemic.” The celebration is open to the faithful under the usual restrictions (distance and mouth-nose protection, fixed seating). The city pilgrimage will also be transmitted in the live stream: or YouTube.

Since June 2016, a city pilgrimage to the Redemptorist Church to the “Mother of Perpetual Help” is organized every 27th of the month. Normally guest preachers are invited to these pilgrimages. The actual feast day of the “Mother of Perpetual Help” is June 27. There are numerous places and churches worldwide that venerate the “Mother of Perpetual Help” as their patroness and also organize weekly or monthly novenas or pilgrimages (for example, in Manila, Brazil, Thailand, or in numerous Indian cities). The original icon of the “Mother of Perpetual Help” is located in Sant’Alfonso church in Rome. In 1889 the Marienkirche in Vienna-Hernals received a “touched” original icon from Rome. The Marienkirche is located at Clemens Hofbauer-Platz in Vienna-Hernals.