Brazil: Redemptorist Social Work Exceeds Expectations for 2020

Photo before the Pandemic

The year 2020 is coming to an end. Despite all that, we are experiencing and the challenges we face due to the pandemic, CAS – Redemptorist Social Assistance Center, celebrates another successful annual closing.

Even though they had to suspend collective activities in the classroom due to Covid-19, the eight Social Assistance Centers continued to assist and support the beneficiaries and continue to provide quality social service.

Photo before the Pandemic

The activities were carried out according to the 2020 Annual Plan and were conducted in person from January to March. With the arrival of the pandemic, it was necessary to reinvent the way of working, making the workshops and programs work remotely, online and through recorded videos.

Individual face-to-face assistance began to be provided by appointment. Educational, recreational and emotional health activity booklets were created to strengthen the bond with families. Living in social networks became part of the employee’s’  daily lives so that they were closer to the beneficiaries. The value of the food voucher was increased to meet the needs of the families.

For the CAS coordinator Santíssimo Redentor and member of the Board of Directors, Marcilene Ferraz, despite everything that happened worldwide in 2020, the Social Works reaped great fruits during the year.

“In spite of everything we have experienced, the year 2020 was a good year for CAS, we reinvented ourselves and found a new way to reach the beneficiaries, the beneficiaries felt safe in the knowledge that we were ready, that they could count on our support,” emphasizes Marcilene.

Exceeding expectations for 2020, given the current scenario, CAS served an average of 1,341 beneficiaries, being: 1,060 families, 465 children and youth, 654 adults, 222 elderly.


CSSR – Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer – Province of São Paulo, has always been committed to social issues, seeking new ways to bring people to experience God’s loving presence in their lives. In order to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of families in situations of vulnerability and social risk, it has 08 CAS – Social Assistance Centers, 07 in the State of São Paulo and 01 in Sacramento / Minas Gerais.

We offer responsible and committed work, a relationship based on the right to citizenship and the human person’s dignity. Thus, the Congregation carries out and maintains this commitment to care for, welcome and listen to people in situations of vulnerability, risk and poverty.