Redemptorist Parish of Zaragoza prepares Youth with the DOCAT


In the Zaragoza parish of Perpetuo Socorro, every Thursday at 8.30 pm, a group of young people meet to continue growing in faith. The group is called “Scala”, in reference to the place where St. Alphonsus, founder of the Redemptorist Missionaries, took the step to found the first missionary community that would be the beginning of the Redemptorist Congregation.

Attempting to hold a face-to-face meeting every few years, due to the pandemic most meetings are held using the Zoom application, which has allowed us to continue formation and even to pray together in the most difficult moments of confinement.


Currently, the group is deepening its knowledge of the Social Doctrine of the Church, with the help of the DOCAT, a gift from Pope Francis to young people, which allows them to know better and reflect on how to live their faith in the midst of a world that is a major missionary challenge for young Catholics.

Using the printed book as basic material, but above all following the steps offered by the application created for the mobile phone, each weekly meeting offers a moment of prayer, listening to the Word, reflection and sharing of what each member of the group has thought about, around the reality presented by each chapter of the DOCAT. Each weekend’s work with a challenge to apply what has been reflected on together to daily life.

It is easy to work with this application, as it guides those who use it step by step in their reflection. It allows those members of the group who cannot attend the virtual meeting to stay in communion with the rest of the group, as the work can be done personally anywhere.

Thus, encouraged by the need to continue walking together and using the tools that technology makes available to all, the group continues to grow and mature its membership of the Church to continue “Scalando” in the faith.

Jorge Ambel CSsR, parish priest of Perpetuo Socorro