Witnesses of the Redeemer in Thailand

Photo: G. Ritinsky

During this difficult time of this worldwide pandemic, people often write to me with news about the situation in their countries. Sometimes they ask my prayers for family and friends who are suffering from Covid-19 or the economic impact of the pandemic on their livelihood and work. Occasionally, I receive notes of gratitude for the ministry and witness of Redemptorist missionaries who are faithfully serving in difficult circumstances.

This week, I received a link to a published article by Luigi Butori, who lives in Thailand. He is a member of the Focolare Movement, and he writes in Italian. Here is the link: https://www.cittanuova.it/thailandia-gli-amorevoli-ribelli-santalfonso/?ms=007&se=004

Luigi Butori has discovered the Redemptorist Missionaries through Holy Redeemer Parish in Bangkok. Holy Redeemer has kept its doors open during the whole time of the pandemic, carefully respecting the measures recommended by the government and health authorities. While many other churches closed, the Redemptorists also continued their social ministries and other pastoral services, again rigorously maintaining the health measures and restrictions.

Mr. Butori also gives a brief history of the presence of the Redemptorist Missionaries throughout Thailand, and how they have served in very challenging places and circumstances.

He finishes with a wonderful comment, which I’ll translate here: “I never knew St. Alphonsus, but I see him alive in you [Redemptorists].

Reading this article, and hearing many similar stories from across the world, is very encouraging as we witness to the Redeemer in solidarity for mission in our wounded world!

May God bless you in all in Christ our Redeemer,

Michael Brehl, C.Ss.R.

See also the article by Ruby Juanita Hoski Reaching out to the Wounded World: A Story of How Holy Redeemer Church Responds to Covid-19 in Bangkok Thailand