Young Redemptorists make their Second Novitiate


The young Redemptorists of Brazil, who are preparing to take perpetual vows this year, exceptionally, because of the pandemic, are participating in the Second Novitiate, between 4 January and 14 February, at the San José Retreat House, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

The Second Novitiate is an intense time of reflection, prayer and study in the process of deepening, synthesizing the itinerary and experience of consecration. There are a total of 21 young Redemptorists from the Units of Sao Paulo, Manaus, Goiás, Campo Grande and Bahia.

During this time of formation and synthesis, the young people seek to deepen their following of the “example of the Redeemer”, living in community in the perspective of missionary dynamism with the poorest of this world. Witness and solidarity must mark our missionary life.

All the young people are very open and happy in this process of synthesis and motivated to perpetual consecration. The Second Novitiate, therefore, is positively marking the life of each of them in the following of Christ, the Most Holy Redeemer. Let us pray for the perseverance and fidelity of each one of them.

Fr. Joaquim Parron, C.SS.R