The Redemptorists proclaim the Gospel with an evangelical simplicity of life and language, through self-denial and constant availability for the most difficult things, to bring abundant redemption to all” (C. 20). Having this theology of consecrated life, the Second Novitiate was the time when the young Redemptorists discerned themselves, in the community perspective, integrating their life according to the charism and spirituality of the Congregation. Some aspects of the “Apostolic Life” marked the Second Novitiate 2021, in Belo Horizonte (MG), to reflect, to pray, and to act in a communitarian way, in consonance with the missionary dynamism with the impoverished way. The integration of young people from different Units of Brazil concluded with excellent sessions based on the five dimensions of Redemptorist formation. All the juniors were happy to go through these processes that were presented to them during this time.
Finally, we perceived the dedication and seriousness of all the juniors with respect to the proposed program, where “no one was left behind”, and all sought to integrate themselves and participate in all the dynamics and activities of the Second Novitiate. Nelson Linhares and Fr. Giovanete Dal Bó (although he was recovering from Covid-19, was able to help a lot in this time of 40 days of preparation). ‘Strong in faith, joyful in hope, fervent in charity…’ these young men assume Perpetual Profession, not only as a goal to achieve but as a commitment of life, as a mature and Christian human person according to ones’ redemptive vocation’ (RF, n. 144).
Joaquim Parron, C.Ss.R.
18/02 – Crostarosa Retreat House, Manaus (AM):
Bro. Davi da Silva, Bro. Robson Bezerra and Bro. Valdir Santos
19/02 – Igreja Santíssimo Redentor, Trindade (GO):
Br. João Paulo Vaz, Br. Kevyn Freitas, Br. Luiz Carlos and Br. Ronaldo César.
06/03 – Sanctuary of Bom Jesus da Lapa, Lapa (BA):
Br. José Augusto and Br. Thiago Pedro.
15/03 – Paróquia São Jorge, Rio Braco (AC):
Br. Gerdevane Silva
19/03 – Santo Afonso Seminary, Aparecida (SP):
Br. Diego Silva, Br. Heliomarcos Ferraz, Br. Jonas Pádua and Br. Rimar Diniz.
13/04 – Santuário Perpétuo Socorro, Campo Grande (MS):
Br. José Aparecido
26/04 – Santuário Perpétuo Socorro, Curitiba (PR):
Br. Adenilson Júnior, Br. Cleverton Antônio and Br. Willian Adriano
11/06 – Igreja Matriz de Trindade, Trindade (GO):
Br. Ueuber Filho
14/08 – Igreja São José, São José dos Bandeirantes (GO):
Br. Diego Vinicio
16/10 – Comunidade Nossa Senhora Aparecida, Curitiba (PR):
Br. Braitner Silva