Funderetica organises two conferences on euthanasia


The European Foundation for Study and Ethical Reflection will address euthanasia, assisted suicide, end-of-life care and the importance of avoiding pain and suffering in an academic and professional manner.

(Madrid, March 2021) – The European Foundation for the Study and Reflection on Ethics, Funderetica, has organised two conferences on euthanasia. The first, ‘Conversation on euthanasia’, will be held on the evening of 10 March at 19:00. The second, ‘Euthanasia and palliative care: three reflections on the Spanish situation’, will take place on 8 April at the same time.

Funderética has the participation of experts from the academic and healthcare world and will address, academically and professionally, other topics such as assisted suicide, end-of-life care, and the importance of avoiding pain suffering.

The first day, ‘Conversation on euthanasia’, will feature the participation of the former Socialist minister and speaker on the law, María Luisa Carcedo; the Professor of Philosophy of Law at the UNED, Ana María Marcos, and the Professor of Sociology at the University of Valencia, Antonio Ariño. The meeting will be broadcast on the Youtube channel of the Jesuit Arrupe Centre in Valencia.

On the other hand, the second conference, ‘Euthanasia and palliative care: three reflections on the Spanish situation’, will be held on 8 April at 19:00 and coordinated by the president of Funderetica and Professor of Philosophy of Law UNED, Rafael Junquera. On this occasion, the lecturer of Moral Theology at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Javier de la Torre; Ana María Marcos, and the palliative care doctor and director of the Institute for Better Care at the Hospital San Juan de Dios de Santurce (Vizcaya), Jacinto Bátiz, will take part.


Funderetica aims to be a channel for ethical reflection in our society and to become a centre for training, reflection and research in Moral Philosophy, based on the criteria provided by the dignity of the person and the values inherent to him or her. Christian humanism is one of the fundamental pillars of the building of this Foundation. It was born in the heart of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (CSsR).