With 50 million visits, the Redemptorist website of Aparecida has a new director

Jonas Luiz de Pádua

It is through A12, a news portal and one of the largest vehicles for the production of Catholic-inspired content in Brazil, that devotees of Nossa Senhora Aparecida and the public interested in the Church, human and Christian formation have access to the contents of the National Shrine, Radio and TV Aparecida, Redemptorist Missionaries and Editora Santuário, among other official sites linked to the group.

Online for more than 10 years, the portal now has a new address. Brother Jonas Luiz de Pádua takes over the work and the mission to direct the mission in the vehicle of communication that is growing and changing the most. Today the Portal has around 50 million visits per year and a team of 33 professionals from different areas. They are journalists, designers, videographers, social network analysts, data, web area, technical and technological support.

Brother Jonas Luiz de Pádua:

Regarding the immediate future, the new director said:
“It is a mission that is not fulfilled by being alone, but with many people from different sectors, with their gifts, charisms and professionalism. I hope that in the coming years, we will be more dialogical and bridges of media convergence: radio, TV and internet (A12 Portal), as the Aparecida Communication Network invites us, understanding the languages of each vehicle and, at the same time, optimising structures, people, joint projects and productions”.

Regarding the perspectives and challenges of Catholic communication on the Internet, Jonas said:
“I think that, as Church and Catholic internet communication, we are timid or underestimate the power of digital communication. We still think of communication processes in an analogue way. Moreover, there is the idea that to communicate on the internet, it is enough to create a profile or channel on social networks or to insert content designed for other platforms on websites, but this is not the case. Being “online” has its own language of communication that differs from the traditional media we know, such as radio and television, which are “offline”.

Radio Aparecida

Therefore, a big challenge is to think strategically about the convergence of the media we know to work together, as the perspective is to digitise vehicles for further action. This will happen not only with good infrastructures or good technological devices but also, and above all, with the formation of awareness and culture, in terms of how to communicate”.

(a12.com/Scala News)