I Meeting of the new Province of Central America and the Caribbean


On June 1, those of us who make up the future Province of Central America and the Caribbean held our first fraternal meeting. Due to the current circumstances, the meeting was held via zoom, and the great majority of the brothers were connected.

The future Province comprises Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and Haiti.

During the meeting, we prayed, listened to the presentations and remarks of the current Major Superiors. There was a space to introduce ourselves and get familiar with the path taken by the Ordinary Councils that at last year meeting. We also talked to offer recommendations and suggestions to help the process we are carrying out.

We appreciate also the contribution of Fr. Rogerio Gomes, C.Ss.R., General Consultor, whose words and good wishes we received very well.

All the missionary effort that we are devoted to in this reconfiguration process, we put in the hands of the Mother of Perpetual Help.

Fr. José Manuel Araya Chavarría, C.Ss.R.
Province of Central America