Next step toward the 26th General Chapter


Members of the Central Preparatory Commission for the 26th General Chapter met online on Thursday, June 10. Fr. General Michael Brehl was also present at the meeting. The discussion focused on the feedback to the video presentations and other steps taken to engage the broadest possible number of confreres and lay partners in the preparatory process for the General Chapter in the whole Congregation. 

The next step for the Commission will be to create the working document, which will be the basis for the first phase of the General Chapter that will take place in each of the Conferences within the first months of the next year. Commission members spoke about methodology and adopted a timetable that makes it possible to present a draft working document at the September meeting of the General Counsel. 

The working document provides a tool for analysis and evaluation of the state of the Congregation in the aspect of its fidelity to the charism. It also delineates perspectives for the Redemptorist mission that is carried out in the wounded world. Thus the particular parts of the working document will correspond with five main aspects of our religious life and ministry, such are: 

  • The missionary work of the Congregation;
  • The apostolic community;
  • The apostolic community dedicated to Christ the Redeemer;
  • Formation of the apostolic community;
  • Governance of the apostolic community.

The working document’s last but not least important issue is the restructuring and reconfiguration process. Still ongoing, it is supposed soon to reshape the map of our international and worldwide Congregation. Although the restructuring sometimes tends to be the most “visible” issue, the administrative and personnel aspects should not veil the missionary and apostolic priorities. Actually, these priorities provide essential stimuli to why and how the process needs to go forward. This has been underlined in the discussion at the Commission meeting. 

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