The Al Alba Centre is awarded the Medal of Seville


The month of May ended with immense joy for the Al Alba Center in Seville and the entire Oblate Family. The city council awarded the Medal of Seville to this Oblate project after more than half a century in the Andalusian capital.

Marisa Cotolí, oblate and head of the project, says that “it has been very moving to be recognized in the city after 60 years. She also recognises that it is a recognition that “belongs to everyone” who, at some point, has been part of Al Alba’s history: volunteers, sisters, workers….

She also stressed that, from the project, “we feel an enormous joy and satisfaction because it makes visible not only the congregation but also a concrete commitment to women and their empowerment”.

The Al Alba Centre, located in the Alameda-San Luís neighbourhood of Seville, is a centre that offers comprehensive care for women at risk or in a situation of social exclusion. It aims to promote strategies for the inclusion, autonomy, independence and social and labour insertion of women.

This Centre, inaugurated on 21 December 2006, is the fruit of the work carried out by the Congregation of the Oblate Sisters of the Most Holy Redeemer in Seville since 1961.
