Initiation to Novitiate in Kenya


(Nairobi, Kenya) July 15th, 2021 is yet another historical moment for the Redemptorists in Kenya Mission. On this day, six postulants from Kenya began their Novitiate formation in a rented building in Nairobi. For several years the brothers from Kenya Mission were going to either S. Africa or Zimbabwe for their novitiate. But due to the pandemic and travel restrictions, we could not send them to any of these places last year and this year. So our Provincial, Fr. Edward Joseph requested the General Government to start the novitiate in Kenya this year. The General Government, taking into consideration the special situation, has erected the Novitiate House of the Mission of Kenya in the city of Nairobi in Kenya. This permission is granted for two years, 2021-22 and 2022-23.

The inaugural function took place on 15th July in the presence of all the members of Kenya Mission and neighboring religious sisters and brothers, and the parish priest of Guadalupe. Fr. Noel Sottima, the Coordinator of the Conference of Africa-Madagascar was the main celebrant at the Mass. The number of novices is expected to go up to ten with the arrival of four more candidates from the Mission of Ghana next month. 

Fr. Provincial has appointed the present Mission Superior of Kenya, Fr. Paul Pazhangattu, as the Novice Master and Fr. Isaac Wanyoike as Socius.

Fr. Paul Pazhangattu, CSsR.