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Monthly Archives: December 2021

Bethlehem, Greggio and Scala express the spirit of Christmas

(Naples, Dec. 14) - Three places that intensely and strongly express the spirituality of Christmas: Bethlehem, where, in the night of nights,...

An International Global Online Novena in Preparation for Christmas 2021

(India) Christmas had a special place in St. Alphonsus’ heart. For him, it was a special time of grace, another great opportunity...

Merging of the Redemptorist Mission of Ghana and the Vice-Province of...

(Ghana) On 27th November, 2021, the Redemptorist Mission of Ghana assembled for a meeting ahead of the official union of the Mission...

Make Her Known to the Whole World

On December 11, 1865, the Holy Father, Blessed Pius IX. entrusted the Icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help to the Superior...

Two new Redemptorist priests in Colombia

On Wednesday, December 8, on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, the Redemptorist Missionaries Cristian Mauricio Aza Hernández and Oscar David Tarazona...

St. Alphonsus’ contribution to the missionary Church

This year, the Redemptorist Family and the Alphonsian Academy celebrates with the whole Church the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of St. Alphonsus...

Redemptorist solidarity: 6,000 hampers for families experiencing food poverty in midwest

Over 6,000 hampers are to be distributed to families experiencing food poverty in Limerick city and the wider region this Christmas with...

Necropolitics 2/3: Its roots in Foucault’s thought

(from Alphonsian Academy blog) Before delving further into the concept of "necropolitics" proposed by Professor Mbembe, it is necessary...

“Saint Alphonsus and the Immaculate Conception”

Brother André Luiz, a Redemptorist missionary, has written this book, seeking to present the contributions of Saint Alphonsus de Liguori (1696-1787) to...

Redemptorist Institute of Theology celebrates 50 years

The study of theology is fundamental for the formation process of a Redemptorist Missionary, especially for priests. For 50 years, ITESP (Istituto...