Two hundred young people for Saint Alphonsus


Two hundred teenagers united together in the name of St Alphonsus!
That’s not a slogan, but that’s what happened on Wednesday 15 December in the Basilica of Sant’Alfonso in Pagani.
But who are these guys? Where do they come from?
They are the young musicians and choristers of the Orchestra Verticale dell’Agro coordinated by the Liceo Musicale ‘A. Galizia’ of Nocera Inferiore.

The orchestra, created at the invitation of the MIUR and USR Campania, performed for the first time on Wednesday 15 December, accomplishing a feat that seemed impossible: singing and playing together, in presence, after this period of serious difficulty.

In the spiritual and physical presence of Saint Alphonsus M. de Liguori, the singer of Christmas, violins, violas, cellos, double basses, guitars, harps, flutes, oboes, clarinets, saxophones, tubas, timpani, marimba, glockenspiel, drums, children’s choir and youth choir came together to sing and play “Tu scendi dalle stelle”, the song that makes Christmas.

A message of joy, life, rebirth and hope rose from the Basilica of Sant’Alfonso, generating a wave of energy that enveloped all participants.

Music acted as an intermediary between men and God, between the finite of the human condition and the infinite to which we all yearn.

The piece, performed behind closed doors, was videotaped and is visible on various social channels from 23 December 2021.

In conclusion, I would like to applaud Liceo Musicale “A. Galizia” High School who organised and coordinated the event with professionalism and competence, the schools (Forzati of Sant’Antonio Abate, Anardi of Scafati, Galvani-Opromolla of Angri, I and III Circolo of Angri, Anna Frank of San Marzano sul Sarno, De Amicis-Baccelli of Sarno, Vassalluzzo of Roccapiemonte, III Comprensivo of Nocera Inferiore, Solimena of Nocera Inferiore, Choral Ensemble Noukria and Voicing of Nocera Inferiore, IC of Lanzara), to the managers and the teachers who have actively collaborated to the realization of the event, to the Superior Father Gennaro Sorrentino and to the Community of the Redemptorist Fathers of Pagani who have enthusiastically welcomed the initiative opening the doors of the Basilica.

Prof. Antonio Saturno