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Yearly Archives: 2021

Three Religious Sisters in the journey of a Redemptorist Missionary Priest...

(India) The 23rd and 24th of April were important days in the life of the V. Province of Majella. The V. Province...

12 New Blessed Redemptorists: Vicente Renuncio Toribio and 11 Companions

Pope Francis, after considering the positive conclusions of the analysis conducted by the historians, theologians, cardinals and bishops, consultors of the Congregation...

Good Shepherd Sunday – World Day of Prayer for Vocations

The fourth Easter Sunday, April 25, also called the Good Shepherd Sunday, is the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. As disciples...

Priestly ordination of Fr Abhay Kullu

“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit…” (Jn. 15.16)

Depression in times of Coronavirus

It is no surprise that in this time of Coronavirus, depressive states, or depression, have increased. It is one more "crown of...

When tradition is stronger than the pandemic

Devotion: the prayer of the 9 Saturdays rosary in honour of Perpetual Help begins In Salta, Argentina, 155 years...

Is populism an ideology?

(source: Alphonsian Academy Blog) In the ever more abundant literature on the theme, there is a debate as to...

Real aid, the fruit of mercy and generosity in Brazil

"From the encounter of mercy with affliction, God's Grace bursts forth, which is visible, and we manage to touch it. This experience...

Restoration of San Alfonso Church in Riobamba

It could be that the San Alfonso Church in Riobamba (Ecuador) is the oldest church built by the Redemptorists in Latin America...

New Redemptorist priest in Brazil

Priestly ordination is a work of God, a gift for the life of the Church. For this reason, the Redemptorist Community of...