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Yearly Archives: 2021

A year in the company of St Clement

Our Redemptorist Conference of Europe Studentate in Rome paid homage to St. Clement with various pilgrimages, conferences and readings in this jubilee year on...

St. Clement Jubilee Closing Celebration in Saigon

The closing of the Jubilee Year honouring St. Clement Maria Hofbauer was held in Saigon on March 15, 2021, by the Redemptorist Province of...

Brother Michael celebrated 60 years of religious profession

(Hue, Vietnam) A thanksgiving Mass was held to celebrate Brother Michael Nguyen Van Thien, CSsR, for the 60 years of his Religious Profession as...

Hope in a time of Crisis

Online spring conference for Redemptorists and RYVM youth leaders from Europe On Saturday 6 March, a meeting was held with European PGVR representatives, organised by...

Zonal Meetings of the Redemptorist Vice Province of Nigeria

The Extraordinary Vice Provincial Council of the Redemptorist Vice Province of Nigeria has been meeting in the different pastoral zones where the confreres are...

Alphonsian thoughts on Saint Joseph

(From Alphonsian Academy blog) A characteristic of the personality of St. Alphonsus emerges by studying his works, both moral and pastoral or spiritual, namely empathy....

We love because we are loved

Davao, Philippines: Final Profession and Diaconate Ordination On March 16, 2021, in line with the celebration of the 500 Years of Christianity in the Philippines,...

Vienna: Feast of St Clement at Maria am Gestade

Finally celebrating St Clement Hofbauer…… A year later than expected, in Maria am Gestade, Vienna, we were able to celebrate the feast of St Clement...

Warsaw: Celebration at St. Clement church closes the Jubilee Year

(Warsaw, Poland) The Redemptorist Province of Warsaw celebrated the closing event of the Jubilee Year of the 200th anniversary of the death of St. Clement...

Final Profession in Indonesia

On March 13, 2021, at the Wisma Sang Penebus, Yogyakarta, five Redemptoris brothers namely Bro. Hendra Resing, Bro. Inyo Aliandu, Bro. Heri Lewar, Bro....