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Yearly Archives: 2021

Concluding Mass of 200th death Anniversary of St. Clement and the...

(Rome) The Community of St. Alphonsus concluded the celebration of the 200th death Anniversary of St. Clement  Mary Hofbauer with the Eucharistic celebration in...

News from the Province of Bogota

Despite the growth of the COVID -19 pandemic in the first month of this year, 2021, the different Redemptorist communities in the country strive...

Message of Father General at the conclusion of the Year of...

WITNESSES OF THE REDEEMER: In Solidarity for Mission in a Wounded World Rome, March 15, 2021 Dear Confreres, Brothers and Sisters in Christ our Redeemer, On Monday, March...

A sensitive heart has time for the others

(From Alphonsian Academy blog) The dense shadows of our seriously Ill world In his latest encyclical on fraternity and social friendship entitled Fratelli tutti, the Pope Francis writes...

From Albania: “Change means opening up”

Lent is a time of change, and in our Interprovincial Mission of Albania, there have been some new developments at the beginning of the...

Our Madrid Martyrs

The process of beatification of the group of confreres martyred in 1936 in Madrid continues rapidly. It involves the redemptorist priests Vicente Renuncio, Antonio...

Invitation: St. Clement Jubilee closing celebration

(Saigon, Vietnam) The Redemptorist Province of Vietnam will celebrate the conclusion of the Jubilee of St. Clement Hofbauer. The Jubilee Year was announced on...

New impulses for Partnership in Mission

In the winter season 2020-2021, an interesting reflection process on Partnership in Mission took place in Europe The working group for PiM of the...

Towards the XXVI General Chapter

The preparation for the XXVI General Chapter: the call, the instruction, the sending, the challenges, the dreams, and the hopes Introduction We have begun the preparation for...

Funderetica organises two conferences on euthanasia

The European Foundation for Study and Ethical Reflection will address euthanasia, assisted suicide, end-of-life care and the importance of avoiding pain and suffering in...