Reigious profession of 4 confreres in Colombia


Our brothers: Jorge Andrés Campo Flor, Carlos Daniel Franco Ramírez, José Edinson Mariño Santos and Gehiner Ferley Sierra Rincón.

On Wednesday, 5 January 2022, at the Seminary San Alfonso in Piedecuesta (Santander) Colombia, they participated in the Eucharist, and they made their Religious Profession and thus became part of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer.
“Community life is really at the service of the apostolate. Continual conversion, the result of their total surrender to God, increases their availability for the service of others. Indeed the very religious bonds, by which the members dedicate themselves to God, necessarily involve a commitment to the apostolate and strengthen that commitment.
Religious profession, therefore, becomes the definitive act of the whole missionary life of Redemptorists.” (Constitution 54).

The full ceremony can be viewed on Facebook: