What do the Red Nuns do when we’re not dancing Jerusalema?


Almost one year ago, thirteen Redemptoristines mastered a viral dance challenge to “cheer people up” in lockdown and help those in need while praying for the world in these challenging times. The Jerusalema dance performed by the Redemptorist nuns from Dublin attracted millions of viewers on social media. – But what do the Redemptoristine Nuns do when they’re not dancing Jerusalema? – the sisters have put the question on their website and responded to it:

At the height of the pandemic, which continues to rumble on and affect our world in many ways, our gesture of support and prayer and solidarity, that the Jersualema Dance challenge hoped to be, went viral.

Millions upon millions of people viewed it on social media; Facebook, Tik Tok, Twitter and WhatsApp.

We received messages from every part of the world. Many of you told us how the video had lifted your spirits or put a smile on your face, but many of you also entrusted the intentions you hold dear to our prayer.

As Redemptoristines, we are “hidden with Christ in God” Our life, within the confines of our monastery, is a life of prayer, recollection and love. It unites us with Christ in spirit and in heart.

Although we are materially separated from the world, we are also present in it by our witness, and the intentions that you entrust to us make it present to us in a very deep and tangible way. The enclosure which separates us from the world is an open door for those seeking God.

“Our silence is a word of salvation, and our contemplation is a missionary activity”, as our Constitutions remind us.

Our hidden life and the silence permit us to hear the divine Wisdom which teaches in solitude and in the secret of the heart.

Here we share with you a short video clip about our Contemplative life: