Honduras: the first profession of vows


On February 20, 2022, Brother Orvin Rodriguez Irias made his first profession of vows in the parish of Perpetuo Socorro in Trojes, Honduras. He will continue his redemptorist formation in El Salvador, where he will start his theology study. We wish our confrere fidelity to the Redeemer and perseverance in our beloved Congregation.

Orvin Andres Rodriguez Irias himself wrote to us:

“Making my religious profession and consecrating myself to God is an immense grace that He gives me, and I receive it as a reward amid all my weakness. I am very happy that I can give my life at the service of the Church, the Congregation and the entire people of God. I am fully confident that the Blessed Virgin Mary will also guide my steps”.

“I did my religious profession in Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish in Trojes, Honduras. The Eucharist was presided over by Father Andrés Martínez, pastor of that parish, who the Provincial Superior had delegated to accept my vows. My parents and my brothers attended the ceremony. There were also present Fathers Mario Ramos, Dimas Arce and Brother Hilario Gutiérrez, members of the Redemptorist community of Trojes, Father José Manuel Batres, formator of the introductory year, the formandi of that year and some of the lay faithful of the parish.”

From the Redemptorist community of Trojes:

Perpetuo Socorro Parish is located in the southeast of the country. Territorially it includes the municipality of Trojes (1,319 km2), which is 180 kilometres from the city of Tegucigalpa (capital of Honduras). It is located on the border with Nicaragua. Access roads are poor, almost impassable in winter. The roads within the municipality are terrible. Trojes was born due to the displacement of Hondurans who, in search of better living situations, left their homeland for various reasons.
And from one of those villages, a young man emerged: Orvin Andrés Rodríguez, who made his religious profession last Sunday, February 20 this year. The celebration was presided over by Fr. Eduardo Andrés Martínez, pastor of a local parish and a delegate of the Provincial Superior for this purpose as well. He was accompanied by the Redemptorist missionaries Frs. José Manuel Batres Orellana, Mario Ernesto Ramos Sánchez, Dimas Arce Estada, Br. Hilario Gutiérrez, Neoprofeso Jarel Rodríguez and the young people of the Introductory Year of “Casa Gaspar”.
The celebration was attended by his family and many people who lived with enthusiasm and gratitude for the consecration of Orvin, the first Redemptorist of that mission land.
Orvin Andrés, blessings!