Redemptorists return to the Diocese of San Juan de la Maguana


(San Juan de la Maguana, Dominican Republic) On December 8, 2021, the religious community of the Redemptorist Missionaries assumed the pastoral and missionary work of the parishes of San Lucas in the area of El Prado, San Marcos Parish in the area of Quisqueya and the Parish of the Blessed Sacrament in Simón St. in the Province of Azua in the South of the Dominican Republic.

Tomás Alejo Concepción, Bishop of the Diocese, Fr. Luis A. Adorno López, C.Ss.R. (parish priest and superior) took office as the first Redemptorist parish priest of these new parish missions. Luis, C.Ss.R. will be joined by other Redemptorist brothers Fr. Jonas Séïde, C.Ss.R. and Br. José Peña, C.Ss.R.

Terry Tull, C.Ss.R., Fr. Emilcy Pierre Jeune, C.Ss.R., Fr. Roberto Carlos Betanco, C.Ss.R., our seminarians and some priests of the diocese were present at the inauguration celebration.

In the hope of continuing to serve the poorest and most abandoned in the new challenges of evangelisation, we welcome with enthusiasm the joy of bringing the Good News of Christ’s abundant redemption. Under the blessing of our Mother of Perpetual Help, star of evangelisation and under the intercession of St. Alphonsus, our founder.

Stay tuned to our social media @mredentoristas and our website for more details of this new Redemptorist mission in the Dominican Republic.

(San Juan Province,