Hang Out 2022: Youth Mission with a Difference


(India) The RYVM team of the Vice-Province of Majella organized a Lenten youth mission for the youth of OLPS Church Chembur under the banner ‘Let’s Hang Out’ from 5th to 11th March at OLPS Church, Chembur, Mumbai. In the words of some of the youngsters, it was indeed a youth Gathering with a difference.

So, what was the difference?

Firstly, the mission had a Youth band made up of singers and musicians who sacrificed a lot and practiced for over a month, the youth dance troupe which was leading the youngsters to praise God through dance, the advertisement and promotion of the mission was handled by the youngsters, the young people organized house visits, the youngsters designed selfie points, in short, it was a mission of the youth with them being fully involved in its organizing.

Secondly, the talks were short and precise, dealing with relevant topics. After the talk the youngsters were led to different activities in which they participated wholeheartedly, writing what was asked of them, reverently coming, and sticking on the cross what they’ve written etc.

Finally, every evening ended with a time of Adoration before the Eucharistic Lord, some time to pray and interiorize what the youngsters had heard.

It was an edifying experience for us to watch a good number of youngsters come every day for 7 days, some rushing back from tuitions or work with a deep desire to hang out with Jesus. Many youngsters, having realized that they are the now of the Church, expressed to use their talents and blessings in the service of the Church, taking a firm resolution on the last day to do the same. The youngsters also made an offering of some money for a good cause. All in all, it was truly a youth gathering with a difference.

Louis Menezes,C.Ss.R.