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Monthly Archives: April 2022

L for language

(from Alphonsian Academy blog) «…language, in one who talks, does not translate a mature thought but rather accomplishes it».Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Most Rev. Bryan J. Bayda, C.Ss.R., appointed by Holy Father as...

Press Release This morning the Holy Father, Pope Francis, appointed His Excellency Bryan J. Bayda, CSsR as Bishop...

Mexico: Holy Week in Our Lady of Juquila, Redemptorist community of...

"I believe that experiencing other cultures can help improve one's worldview and way of thinking," Deacon Brian Vaccaro, C.Ss.R., tells us as...

Portugal: The Redemptorist Spirituality Center proposes an Easter itinerary

The Center for Redemptorist Spirituality (CER) over the next seven Sundays, at seven in the afternoon, will receive seven guests for seven...

Third international meeting of the Missionaries of Mercy

The 3rd worldwide meeting of the Missionaries of Mercy with Pope Francis took place from 23 to 25 April 2022. The theme...

Phase I of the 26th General Chapter of the Conference of...

Aparecida - Sao Paulo in Brazil, the City of Our Lady of the Conception of Aparecida - Patroness of Brazil, is the...

Easter food blessing for refugees from Ukraine

(Tuchów, Poland) According to the Julian calendar, last Sunday was the Feast of the Resurrection of Christ. On Saturday, at the Sanctuary...

Meeting of the Joint Councils of the Units in India (Bangalore,...

(India) The Joint Councils of the 3 Units in India (Bangalore, Liguori and Majella) gathered for their annual meeting in Hyderabad, India,...

Commissioned to be “Witnesses of the Redeemer to the Wounded World”

(India) Five of our Young Redemptorists from the Province of Bangalore, Fathers Prem Kumar, Vijay Kumar, Robin Kumar, Abhay Kullu, and Johnson,...

Commissioning of the Pastoral Fathers (Transition to Ministry) of the Vice-Province...

(India) Four Young Redemptorist Missionary Priests who were ordained one and two years ago finished their year of Transition to Ministry (Pastoral...