(India) Four Young Redemptorist Missionary Priests who were ordained one and two years ago finished their year of Transition to Ministry (Pastoral Year) and were Commissioned at the Holy Eucharist at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, Chembur, Mumbai in India on the 24th April, Divine Mercy Sunday.

These four young Redemptorist Missionary Priests, Frs Dony Cardoz, Savio Fernandes, Ashwil Dias, and Joyan D’ Costa went through a year of training along with their confreres of the Bangalore Province at Mt St Alphonsus Bangalore under the guidance of Fr George Puthenpura (Director), Fr Joseph Royan and Fr Juventus Andrade. They had courses on Mission Preaching, Parish Ministry and administration, Homiletics, Retreat preaching for youth and school and college students, Addictions and related issues, financial auditing and programming, Media Ministry, and Pastoral Counselling.

They went on their first missions guided by their director and then came to the city of Mumbai and participated in the Lenten Missions in the Archdiocese of Mumbai preaching in the tradition of the V. Province of Majella the Lenten Missions. Each of them now goes to take up their assignments in their communities to which they have been appointed in the V. Province of Majella using all their training and skills acquired for ministry as witnesses of the Redeemer in solidarity for a mission to a wounded world.
Fr. Ivel Mendanha, the V. Provincial, stressed the importance of the challenge they have as Redemptorist Missionary Priests to constantly reach out to touch the wounds of Jesus in a wounded humanity and creation bringing the healing love of Jesus as plentiful redemption to a wounded world.
Joseph Ivel Mendanha, C.Ss.R.
V. Province of Majella