Madrid: Cardinal Osoro to ordain four new Redemptorist priests


Cardinal Carlos Osoro, Archbishop of Madrid, will ordain four new Redemptorist priests tomorrow, 23 April, in the parish of Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro in Madrid, located at Manuel Silvela, 14. The ceremony will begin at 19:00. The new ordinands are Carlos A. Diego, Álvaro Ortiz, Guillermo J. Rejas and Joaquín García-Romanillos.

Cardinal Osoro will preside over the celebration and be accompanied by Fr Alberto Eseverri, Vicar General of the Redemptorist Congregation, Fr Pedro López, General Consultor, and Fr Francisco Javier Caballero, Provincial Superior of the Redemptorist Missionaries in Spain. In addition, many Redemptorists from all the communities of the Spanish Province will be present.

The celebration can be followed live on the Youtube channel of the Redemptorist Missionaries of the Province of Madrid.

It is a day of great joy for the Redemptorist family, religious and lay. We invite you to pray for them and with them so that they may accept this gift with generosity, a spirit of service, a capacity to listen and a desire to proclaim the Gospel to all.
