On Designing a Congregational Project for the Care for Our Common Home


Zoom Meeting of Lay Associates and Religious of the Asia-Oceania Conference

Pope Francis launched the Laudato Si Platform for Action in May of 2021. He invited all the entities of the Catholic Church to articulate their projects for the promotion of ecological conversion. In addition, through the General Secretariat for Evangelization, the General Government is currently designing an Action Plan involving the five conferences of the Redemptorist Family. 

Awareness of the Common Home’s care has received particular attention at the Asia-Oceania Conference for several years now. This concern is one of the main priorities within their Apostolic Plan. 

Last April 9th, a Zoom meeting was held to share the experiences already being developed in the different Units of this Conference. Among other things, some participants saw the need to continue gathering and incorporating the teachings of Pope Francis into our preaching, ministry, and formation. In many ways, this is already being done within the Conferences, and some members and Lay Associates shared their rich experiences in this regard. 

This meeting will be replicated in each of the other four conferences. In an atmosphere of Synodality, the General Secretariat for Evangelization hopes to listen to the voices of Confreres and Lay Associates to enrich a joint project for the Care of our Common Home. Part of this reflection also involves the preparation of a public statement expressing our support and response to the teachings and call of Pope Francis for an integral ecological conversion. 

General Secretariat for Evangelization