Joint Media Commission of India Meet 2022


The Joint Media commission of the three units in India met for our annual meeting in Varca, Goa from 29th-30th April 2022. The meeting was attended by Frs. Charles Vijay, C.Ss.R. (The Chair) and Joe Abraham, C.Ss.R. from Bangalore Province, Sijo Thaliyath, C.Ss.R., and Bijo Mepreth, C.Ss.R. from Liguori Province, Rakesh Mathias, C.Ss.R. and Ivon.C.Ss.R. from Majella Vice-Province.

Among the many things that were discussed, the group evaluated the newly set up Joint WhatsApp group and to further its use to foster communication and networking for ministry across the three units. A new vocation promotion video for pan India that can be adapted for various regional groups was taken up, along with plans and proposals to continue the collaboration between the three units of the media ministry.

The group enjoyed the wonderful hospitality of the Redemptorist Community at Varca. Along with Fr. Ritesh, C.Ss.R. the minister, Fr. Eugene D’Silva, C.Ss.R, the Rector of the house-made our stay was very enjoyable.

As plans are made and tasks assigned to the group members for various initiatives, the group decided to follow it up through online meetings.

Charles Vijay Kumar, C.Ss.R.