Perpetual profession: “To love and serve as Redemptorist brothers”


(Brazil) The National Shrine of Nossa Senhora Aparecida hosted the most awaited moment, the celebration of the perpetual profession of the vows of chastity, obedience, and poverty in the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer of the Redemptorist Missionaries brother André Luiz Silva Oliveira and brother Marco Lucas Tomaz on the evening of last Saturday (30 April 2022).

The ceremony held at the Central Altar was presided over by the Superior General of the Redemptorist Congregation, Father Michael Brehl, C.Ss.R. concelebrated by the representatives of the Conference of Latin America and the Caribbean who are in Aparecida for the realization of the first phase of the 26th General Chapter.

In his homily, the superior general highlighted the call of the Brothers and the company of the Virgin Mary on their journey of faith.

“This is also the call for you, André and Marco Lucas, to become brothers of all, to witness universal love, universal brotherhood, to become brothers of all, the poor, the abandoned, the little ones. Best news of all: Maria isn’t just your role model and inspiration. She is so much more. She is the companion on your journey of faith. She tells you: I am your mother and your Perpetual Help,” said Fr. Michel Brehl.

After the vows, the Redemptorist Brothers received the blessing and the handing over of the Missionary Cross, which reminds the missionary that one must announce abundant redemption to all peoples, showing the world how much God has loved us.

Addressing André Luiz and Marco Lucas, Fr. Marlos Aurélio da Silva, C.Ss.R., Provincial Superior of the Redemptorist Province of São Paulo, expressed his thanks:

“Our eternal gratitude to you young people, full of talents and gifts, you place yourselves at the service of our missionary family, at the service of the people of God, in a very special way, of the most abandoned poor, of the many wounded in our society and of our time. May God continue to bless your life, making these talents that you have already received and that you want to share with us all bear fruit in the gifts.”

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