1st Phase of the General Chapter at Bali in Indonesia


(Indonesia) The First Phase of the General Chapter in the Conference of Asia Oceania opened on the 30th of May at Bali in Indonesia. Fr. Michael Brehl, C.Ss.R., the Superior General celebrated the Eucharist on the opening day and called on all the delegates to be open to the working of the Holy Spirit as we reflect on the situation of the Congregation worldwide but especially in Asia Oceania and so reimagine the Congregation and its mission to the wounded world given the many challenges we are facing in our world at large and Asia Oceania today.

During the past week, the delegates have been reflecting, discussing, and looking ahead. We have studied the Report of the Superior General, the Report of the Conference Coordinator, Jovencio Ma, C.Ss.R., the many reports from the General Curia and Commissions, and the Working Document. Today, Saturday is a free day for the two Redaction Commissions on the Report of the Conference of Asia Oceania and the Strategic Plan to work on their reports which will be presented tomorrow for review and discussion. 

A predominant theme emerging in the discussions is the Identity of the Redemptorist today in the context of our Mission to a wounded world. How would we see ourselves in 2032, 300 years after St. Alphonsus founded our Congregation? What is our unique and specific contribution to the Church and the world as Redemptorists today? These questions challenge us to concrete expressions of our charism in the context of Asia Oceania today.

The presence of our Partners in Mission (Roksan and Portia) always challenges us to remember and so celebrate that we are a family of Redemptorists (Brothers, Priests, and Lay Partners). The ideal setting of the Palm Beach Resort in Bali, the hospitality of one of the fastest-growing Units in the Congregation and Asia Oceania (The Province of Indonesia), and the camaraderie which comes from enhancing relationships are always strong points of the Conference of Asia Oceania is an impetus to reflection and sharing during these days.

There are three more days of work ahead and then two days of Conference Assembly as well that ends on 7th June 2022. We look forward to celebrating the feast of Pentecost tomorrow as we celebrate the power of the Spirit in our lives, our Conference, and in our Congregation at large.

Joseph Ivel Mendanha, C.Ss.R.